rrix You can simply select the text and copy/paste it somewhere, or hit the quote button, which will paste it automatically in your reply. Or if it bothers you, you can style it with this rule (using Stylus or some similar browser extension.) It will reset it to look like regular text.
strong em {
font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Ubuntu, Cantarell, Oxygen, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1.7;
Regarding the glyphs, I’ve found Anki to be very effective after one week or two, I’m surprised I can even read them, but it works :) It’s also a bit of a shame that the official book puts them separately from the lessons, because they’re in fact pretty easy to understand once you get the meaning of the words, and can help memorizing them. I’d recommend reading this article, it’s a neat analysis of the glyphs and quite helpful to understand them better:
Currently I still haven’t finished reading the whole Pu, but I get back to various lessons regularly when I need some syntax examples. I’m hesitating between making my own Anki decks, because the ones I’m using often have too many non-official words and definitions, and developing my own little flashcard app like I did for my dictionary… but in both cases, it’s rather time-consuming, haha.